The Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence (HKACE) and Poon Kam Kai Institution of Management (PKKI), the University of Hong Kong have collaborated on a research project to develop the “Hong Kong Service Excellence Index” (HKSEI) for the service sector in Hong Kong. Continuing from the effort in 2007, the team has employed an innovative and unique model to measure service excellence that comprises both customer satisfaction and loyalty. The index aims to provide an independent, uniform, cross-industry measure of services provided by eleven industries and thirty one sub-industries that account for a significant portion of GDP in Hong Kong. The index serves as both a trend indicator as well as a benchmark for companies, sub-industries, and industries of the Hong Kong consumer service economy. The index was calibrated using data obtained from a large scale customer telephone survey conducted in 2008. It will be updated on an annual basis to provide the latest results on the level of service excellence of Hong Kong’s service economy.
Specific benefits and features of the index include:
‧ An aggregated “Hong Kong Service Excellence Index” for the whole service economy to help raise service standards and promote a culture of service excellence in Hong Kong;
‧ Meaningful indices for eleven core service industries and thirty one sub-industries for benchmarking service excellence across industries and sub-industries in the service sector;
‧ A first ever customer service benchmarking tool for Hong Kong’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs); and
‧ Diagnostic information on the composition of HKSEI and service excellence drivers to guide organizations in optimizing resources to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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